Sunday, January 21, 2007

sexy beasts...

Impala, one of the most common sights on our 5 day adventure in the bush, but that didn't hold us from stopping and admiring them. They are hands down the most graceful buck I've ever seen. Please enjoy these photos of my favorite sexy little beasties.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Ahhh KUDU!

these magnificent female Kudu were very apprehensive of us....the Male Kudu is one of the most majestic creatures I have ever seen in the wilds of africa, unfortunately the day male Kudu was spotted i had missed that game drive(the only one I missed, never again). I will try to get some pictures of him to post for you.....he has his own complex story which i will not recount now. Needless to say these beauties continued grazong while we sat appreciating their awesomeness.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Cute.....southern mountain reedbok

The southern mountain reedbok is generally a very shy member of the antelope/buck family, these cute little mothersuckers just hung out and posed for us as we passed through the lush river valley......definitely....special.


Hello Everyone, the following blog posts are dedicated to the beautiful wildlife that inhabits Southern Africa.....Pictured above is the stoic yet quite skittish Warthog (pumba)...these pictures were taken 50 ft. from the front porch at the lodge...we played dominoes, they ate grass(on their knees).

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Happy New Year!

I landed in South Africa on Dec. 12th and have been having a blast since I arrived. We moved on the boat around the middle of the month and then the family arrived. It was a whirlwind of epic proportions (aka. menagerie). Yesterday the last of my family except for my dad and brother(another crew member on the boat) left to return to their respective countries. The highlight of the trip was our trip to a game lodge in the north of south africa. My pops has a place there. The next post will encompass the trip to the lodge and have some great pictures and video of our experiences while there including hyena vs. leopard video(amazing!). The above picture is of myself and Devon who will be crewing with us on the boat, it was taken the day after we moved onto the boat.